Monday, 13 June 2011


Tissue crushed
And not connecting
Vessels ruptured
Yet skin unbroken
Trapped blood
No place to go
Tender to touch
Red and purple,
Blue and black,
Green then yellow
Now light brown
Fading away
Like you.
You gave me
All the colours
Of the rainbow.


  1. Hard write, you gave me all the colours of the rainbow with a smack...yes I've been here, and I'm never going back. Thanks for sharing

  2. damn. abuse sucks...the deepening then fading of that bruise is affective...

  3. Yes such abuse really does suck
    Should never be done
    But powerful words you write with a rainbow of thought.

  4. wow... I love that closing.. so unique! A sad subject, but you wrote such colorful lines.

  5. Wow Libby love this. As usual your own special touch. Fading away/Like you. There's such power in your simplicity of style. No one write like you do. Truly unique and always surpassing yourself. Wonderful. Gay

  6. This is nice, I like the comparison. The bruise imagery works brilliantly.

  7. I know this story.. i lived this story.. it is only a story for me now.

    well done dear..

  8. I really like the ending!!

  9. Takes much courage to post something of this magnitude, even if brief, Libby. Here's to healing, of any circumstance.


  10. So sad, such hurt, you are courageous to recall your experience in a poem. Beautifully written.

  11. Thank you for being a voice for the suffering ones. And the rainbow promise of never again. Great write.

  12. pretty strong stuff, and equally sad
    but commendable write.

  13. As ever the simple makes for the strongest emotional impact

  14. Thank you Libby, you speak for some who can't put these things into words, yet or perhaps ever.

  15. wow. i agree with John-- simple, visual, and emotionally staggering. Thank you for sharing this with the world.

  16. That would be a crushing end to a romance
    you are vivid in this piece

    thanks for the One Stop support each week Libby

  17. i remember this one...nice flashback for the Poetics prompt

  18. it seems real, a sad subject, you have used the simplest words showing it.

    the ending with the word rainbow makes one look up to the sky, wondering about hope!

    beautiful writing, I love the feel of following through your words.

  19. I remember this..your quiet irony, your simplicity which I believe reveals the aspects of the inner you. I am moving as much as I can these days to simplicity of style and words; however, sometimes I feel I am still shouting. Loved this the second time around!

  20. Very effective tight write. You use color to describe the unthinkable and I'm seeing red!
